ATTENTION: This is probably the one area of indoor growing where the most mistakes are made.
SECURITY: It's quite amazing how growers sometimes decide to completely rewrite the rule book on what conditions a plant will put up with indoors. A basic fact of life is that all living things need to respire; plants are no different. Clean, sweet smelling air with no tell-tale aromas or residues from your crops.
Blowers and Exhaust fans are the most efficient way to combat both C02 loss and high temperatures, two things that can hinder your plants growth. They are set up to either blow air to another room or down a long tube to the outdoors. How do you know what size you need? Calculate the CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) by dividing the cubic footage in your grow room by five. The blower you will choose based on this will be large enough to replace all of the air in the room in five minutes.

Can-Filters, the original carbon air filter (flanges sold separately) has been manufacturing carbon air filters for the last 15 years. With time comes experience and professionalism. This has enabled them to manufacture a high quality, no maintenance, carbon air filter with a tested and true 99.5% odor removing capability and a suggested life span of 12-18 months.
Can-Filters use a custom specified virgin activated Coal based carbon, (CKV4) to insure the longest possible life in most applications. Whether for commercial, industrial, or residential use you can be sure that the proper carbon type, carbon weight, and bed width has been chosen to give full odor removal

| Can-Fans Inline Fans
Streamline your garden with In-Line Fans. More economical than squirrel-cage fans, in-line fans use about half the power to move equivalent amounts of air. In-line fan blades get wider to move more air so the motor rpms can stay lower, thus consuming less energy

| Blowers and Squirrel Cage Fans
Blowers and squirrel cage fans of assorted CFM.

| Wall Fans
Besides proper lighting, air exchange and air movement should be where all indoor growers start spending money. You can have the finest equipment around but if your plants don’t have fresh air constantly moving through and around your room FORGET IT, you cannot possible be successful

| Ocsillating Fans
Oscillating Fans, a useful item in any grow room. It simply moves the air around inside a grow room which helps to prevent fungal spores and damp spots from forming. An Oscillating Fan will also help to strengthen the stems of a plant and generally improve plant health. Tip: Never use an Oscillating Fan on young plants as this can cause windburn and leaf tissue damage.

| Ducting
Move the air exactly where you want it to go to make your garden area the perfect temperate climate. We have all your ducting needs. 4", 6", 9" and all associated brackets, fittings and

| uvo nair
Breathe easy while the Uvonair ® attacks and neutralizes odors at the source! Uvonair ® eliminates odors caused by tobacco smoke, moulds and mildew. It even tackles the unpleasant odors from pets, cooking and damp basements. How? The Uvonair ® generates Ozone (O3) - one of the most powerful oxidizers available. O3 doesn't just mask odors like mere air fresheners - it neutralizes odors at the source, then harmlessly converts to CO2 and oxygen. Available in several different sizes to fit your gardening needs. The Uvonair ® works silently with the same ozone generating technology available in units costing hundreds of dollars more. The Uvonair ® is ideal for homes, offices, workplaces ... anywhere that can benefit from purer, cleaner air.


| GroZone RH, T and C02 Controler
This will take your gardens automation to the level you aspire to. Complete temprature, relative humidity and C02 control. Perfect central piece of control to any grow room. Remote sensor (with included 25-ft cable, can work up to 200 feet) provides higher precision and reliability. Performs any two of the following control functions: heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, cooling and dehumidifying, hourly ventilation, CO2 enrichment or ventilation. Review performance by reading through the integrated 24-hour data logger (minimum, maximum and average values for each hour of operation). Incorporates fail-safe values for each output in case of sensor problem. Enables higher priority output selection to prevent both outputs operating at the same time.

| Grozone Cyclestat
Controls any 120Vac equipment such as pumps or fans on a periodic repeat cycle. The ON duration spans from 5 sec to 30 minutes. The OFF duration spans from 5 sec to 60 minutes. The unit can function day and night or during day time only.

| Grozone Day Night Fan Speed Control
Automatically slows down or speeds up centrifugal fans to respect user selected temperature day and night setpoints. Enables a much tighter and precise temperature curve. When ON/OFF controls usually yields a variation over 5°F / 3°C, TV1 will yield a variation below 2°F / 1°C. 6 foot cord with temperature sensor precise to 2°F / 1°C. Can drive single phase 120 Vac induction motor type fans up to 750 Watts. Any forced ventilation rooms should be equipped with this type of control to promote faster and more vigorous growth.

| LP5 Generator
The LP5 generator is a 15 000 BTU/hour propane burner activated via a 120Vac power cord. The electronic smart valve lights the gas nozzle only when necessary reducing waste of propane as regular standing pilot. The unique collapsible enclosure design enables space and shipping cost savings and is protected by a high temperature coating. The unit can either rest on the floor or be suspended to ceiling. The LP5 model will generate about 17 cubic feet of pure CO2 every hour of operation.

| CO2 Solenoid Diaphram Valve
Includes flow regulator, needle valve, electronic solenoid & bubble counter. Unit comes with dual gauges each with dual reading of both psi & kg/cm. Left gauge meters tank capacity and right gauge meters flow. Needle valve flow control provides for precise measurement. The solenoid valve comes with a 1.5 meter power cord. (CO2 bottle is not included)
